","export * from './token.interceptor';\n","import { Injectable } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport {\n HttpRequest,\n HttpHandler,\n HttpEvent,\n HttpInterceptor,\n} from \"@angular/common/http\";\nimport { Observable } from \"rxjs\";\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class TokenInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {\n constructor() {}\n\n intercept(\n request: HttpRequestCategory | \n{{element?.category ?? '-'}} | \nSubCategory | \n{{element?.subCategory ?? '-' }} | \nLens | \n{{element?.lens ?? '-'}} | \nQuestion | \n{{element.question}} | \nAnswer | \n \n \n \n | \n
Category | \n{{element?.category ?? '-'}} | \nSubCategory | \n{{element?.subCategory ?? '-' }} | \nLens | \n{{element?.lens ?? '-'}} | \nQuestion | \n{{element.question}} | \nAnswer | \n \n \n \n | \n
Category | \n{{element?.category ?? '-'}} | \nSubCategory | \n{{element?.subCategory ?? '-' }} | \nLens | \n{{element?.lens ?? '-'}} | \nQuestion | \n{{element.question}} | \nAnswer | \n \n \n \n | \n
Question | \n{{element?.question ?? '-'}} | \nDescription | \n{{element.description ? element.description : '--'}}\n | \n \nAnswer | \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n | \n
Response No. | \n{{i+1}} | \nName | \n\n {{element.focusGroupData.focusGroupName}} \n {{element.module}}\n | \nAction | \n \n | \n
Activity | \n{{element.question}} | \nType | \n{{element.type}} | \nTime Category | \n{{element.category}} | \nStatus | \n{{element.state}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Question | \n{{element?.question ?? '-'}} | \nCategory | \n{{element?.category ??'-'}} | \nSub Category | \n{{element?.subCategory ??'-'}} | \nLens | \n{{element?.lens ?? '-'}} | \nStatus | \n{{element?.state ?? '-'}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Question | \n{{element?.question ?? '-'}} | \nCategory | \n{{element?.category ??'-'}} | \nSub Category | \n{{element?.subCategory ??'-'}} | \nLens | \n{{element?.lens ?? '-'}} | \nStatus | \n{{element?.state ?? '-'}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Category | \n{{element?.category ?? '-'}} | \nSub Category | \n{{element?.subCategory ?? '-'}} | \nLens | \n{{element?.lens ?? '-'}} | \nQuestion Id | \n{{element?.questionId ?? '-'}} | \nQuestion Order | \n{{element?.questionOrder ?? '-'}} | \nQuestion | \n{{element?.question ?? '-'}} | \nStatus | \n{{element?.state ?? '-'}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Category | \n{{element.category}} | \nSub Category | \n{{element.subCategory}} | \nLens | \n{{element.lens}} | \nQuestion | \n{{element.question}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n \n | \n | \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Category \nSub Category \nLens \nQuestion \nNot in place \nDesigned, yet not in place OR in place yet unused \nIn place, yet not adding value \nIn place and adding value \nIn place, adding value and continuously reviewed and improved \n\n \n : {{element.category}} \n: {{element.subCategory}} \n: {{element.lens}} \n: {{element.question}} \n: {{element.notInPlace}} \n: {{element.designedYetNotInPlace}} \n: {{element.inPlaceAndNotAddingValue}} \n: {{element.inPlaceAndAddingValue}} \n: {{element.InPlaceAddingValueAndContinuouslyReviewed}} \n | \n
Question | \n{{element?.question ?? '-'}} | \nCategory | \n{{element?.category ??'-'}} | \nSub Category | \n{{element?.subCategory ??'-'}} | \nLens | \n{{element?.lens ?? '-'}} | \nStatus | \n{{element?.state ?? '-'}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
\n Click to begin this activity and answer the questions as they come up.\n Fill in your details below and then click begin to answer the first question.\n
\nStrongly Disagree
\nStrongly Agree
\nFocus Group link : {{url}}
\n\n Click to begin this activity and answer the questions as they come up.\n Fill in your details below and then click begin to answer the first question.\n
\nPlease answer the following questions & wait for each to proceed further.\n
\nYou have completed all of the questions in this questionnaire.
\n You can now close the survey
\nStrongly Disagree
\nStrongly Agree
\nResponse average: {{items.average}}
\n \n \n \nClient Name
\nDiagnostic Name
\nClient Name
\n {{data.clientName}}\nProject Lead
\n{{data?.authors[0] ?? '--'}}
\nStart Date
\n{{data?.startDate | date:('dd-MM-yyyy') }}
\nEnd Date
\n{{data?.endDate | date:('dd-MM-yyyy') }}
\nCategory | \n{{element?.category}} | \nModule | \n{{ getModuleName(element.module)}} | \nState | \n\n {{ getQuestionState(element)}}\n | \nQuestion | \n{{element?.question}} | \nActions | \n\n \n \n\n | \n
Question | \n{{element?.question}} | \nActions | \n\n \n \n \n \n | \n
Questions | \n{{element.question}} | \nStatus | \n{{element.status}} | \nComments | \n{{element.comments}} | \n
Template | \n\n \n | \n Module | \n{{ getModuleName(element.module)}} | \nActions | \n\n \n \n | \n
Team Leader Interviews give you the opportunity \n to share your views
and experiences of working in your team and organization.
{{i+1}} . {{item?.question}}
\n \n \nYou have completed all of the questions in this questionnaire. You can now close the survey
\nPlease select the modules you will be carrying out during your diagnostic
\n\n | {{element.position}} | \nModule | \n \nDescription | \n\n {{element.description}} \n \n | \n Description | \n\n {{element.description}} \n \n | \n
\n | {{element.position}} | \nModule | \n \nDescription | \n\n {{element.description}} \n | \n Description | \n\n {{element.description}} \n | \n
Activity Value Analyser Setup
\n{{ team.teamName }}
\nTeam Leader
Team Members
{{ team.fteManagers }}
{{ team.fteMembers }}
Team Leader
Team Members
{{ team.fteManagers * team.fteManagerCost }}
{{ team.fteMembers * team.fteMemberCost }}
\n Input process information\n
\n\n {{data.subModule}}\n
\nYou have completed all of the questions,
\nYou can now close the survey.
\n\n {{data.subModule}}\n
\nYou have completed all of the questions,
\nYou can now close the survey.
\nAll Activities | \n{{}} | \nTime Spent | \n\n \n \n \n {{element.spent | number: \"1.0-0\" }}%\n \n \n {{element.spent}}% \n \n | \n
\n Select\n | \n\n | \n Activity | \n \n \nQuestion | \n \nActivity | \n{{element?.question ?? '-'}} | \nCategory | \n{{element?.category ?? '-'}} | \n
\n Team \n Function \n | \n{{}} | \n1 | \n\n {{ }}\n | \n2 | \n\n {{element.two}}\n | \n3 | \n\n {{element.three}} \n | \n4 | \n\n {{element.four}} \n | \n5 | \n\n {{element.five}}\n | \nAverage | \n\n {{element.avg.toFixed(1)}} \n | \n
Questions | \n{{}} | \nResults | \n \n \n \n | \n Disagree | \n\n {{element.two.toFixed()}}% \n | \nNeutral | \n\n {{element.three.toFixed()}}% \n | \nAgree | \n\n {{element.four.toFixed()}}% \n | \nStrongly Agree | \n\n {{element.five.toFixed()}}% \n | \nAverage | \n\n {{element.avg.toFixed(1)}} | \n
Survey Name | \n{{element.surveyName}} | \nDate Due | \n{{element.surveyData.endDate | date:\"dd-MM-YYYY\"}} | \nOwner | \n{{element.owner}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n Status | \n{{getStatus(element)}} | \nParticipants | \n{{ element?.clicks }} {{\" /\"}} {{getTotalCount(element)}} | \n
Survey Name | \n{{element.surveyName}} | \nOwner | \n{{element.owner}} | \nStart | \n{{element.startDate | date:\"dd-MM-YYYY\"}} | \nEnd | \n{{element.endDate | date:\"dd-MM-YYYY\"}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Activity | \n{{element?.question ?? '-'}} | \nType | \n{{element?.type ?? '-'}} | \nTime Category | \n{{element?.category ?? '-'}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Category | \n{{element.category}} | \nSub Category | \n{{element.subCategory}} | \nLens | \n{{element.lens}} | \nRole | \n{{'Manager'}} | \nSub-team | \n{{'Team 1'}} | \nMA Score | \n{{'4'}} | \nQuestion | \n{{ element.question }} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
va-tables works! (swap)
\n","import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-construction',\n templateUrl: './construction.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./construction.component.scss'],\n changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush\n})\nexport class ConstructionComponent implements OnInit {\n\n constructor() { }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n // console.log('construction')\n }\n\n}\n","The Page You Are Looking For is in Under Construction !
\nName | \n{{element?.interviewName ?? '-'}} | \nTeam | \n{{element?.teamName ?? '-' }} | \nFunction | \n{{element?.clientFunction ?? '-'}} | \nRole | \n{{element?.role ?? '-'}} | \nDate | \n{{element.scheduledDate | date:'dd-MM-YYYY' }} | \nInterviewer | \n{{element?.interviewer ?? '-'}} | \nTemplate | \n{{element?.templateDetail?.templateName ?? 'Not Created'}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Category | \n{{element?.category ?? '-'}} | \nSub Category | \n{{element?.subCategory ?? '-'}} | \nLens | \n{{element?.lens ?? '-'}} | \nQuestion Id | \n{{element?.questionId ?? '-'}} | \nQuestion Order | \n{{element?.questionOrder ?? '-'}} | \nQuestion | \n{{element?.question ?? '-'}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Team Lead Name | \n{{element?.interviewName }} | \nTeam | \n{{element?.teamName }} | \nFunction | \n{{element?.clientFunction }} | \nDate Due | \n{{element?.scheduledDate | date:'dd-MM-YYYY' }} | \nStatus | \n{{element?.status ?? '-'}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Questions | \n{{element.question}} | \n \n \n Strongly Disagree \nDisagree \nNeither \nAgree \nStrongly Agree \n | \n \n \n\n | \n Average | \n \n \n {{element.average}}\n \n | \n
\nStrongly Disagree
\nStrongly Agree
\nAverage - {{selectedRow.average}}
\n \n \n{{ header }} | \n
\n {{ row[header] }}\n \n \n \n \n {{ row[header] }} \n | \n
{{ header }} | \n
\n {{ row[header] }}\n \n | \n
Team Leader Name | \n{{element?.interviewName ?? '-'}} | \nTeam Name | \n{{element?.teamName ?? '-' }} | \nInterviewer | \n{{element?.interviewer ?? '-'}} | \nDue | \n{{getDueDate(element?.scheduledDate.substring(0,10) ?? '-')}} | \nStatus | \n{{element?.status ?? '-'}} | \nAction | \n \n \n | \n
{{ header }} | \n
\n {{ row[header] }}\n \n \n | \n
{{ header }} | \n
\n {{ row[header] }}\n \n \n \n \n {{ row[header] }} \n | \n
{{ header }} | \n
\n {{ row[header] }}\n \n | \n
{{ header }} | \n||
2\">\n {{ row[header] }}\n | \n 2\" [style.background-color]=\"getValueColor(row[header], header)\" [attr.rowspan]=\"getRowSpan(header)\"> 2\">\n {{ row[header] }}\n | \n\n 2\">\n \n | \n
Category | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n \r\n \r\n | \r\n | \r\n Sub Category | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n \r\n | \r\n | \r\n Lens | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n \r\n | \r\n | \r\n
{{ header }} | \n
\n {{ row[header] }}\n \n \n | \n
{{ header }} | \n
\n {{ row[header] }}\n | \n
{{ header }} | \n
\n {{ row[header] }}\n | \n
Client Name | \n\n {{element.clientName}}\n | \nDetails | \n{{element.details}} | \nSector | \n{{element.sector}} | \nStart Date | \n{{element && element.startDate ? (element.startDate | date:'dd-MM-YYYY') : 'N/A' }} | \nEnd Date | \n{{element && element.endDate ? (element.endDate | date:'dd-MM-YYYY') : 'N/A' }} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Module | \n\n \n \n | \n Status | \n\n {{element.status}} \n | \nOwner | \n\n {{element.owners.slice(0,1) || 'Alex'}} \n 1\" class=\"owner-bck\" [matTooltip]=\"element.owners\"> +{{element.owners.length -1}} \n | \nDue Date | \n{{element && element.endDate ? (element.endDate | date:'dd-MM-YYYY') : 'N/A' }} | \nAction | \n\n \n | \n
Start Date
\nEnd Date
\n: {{surveyData?.startDate | date:\"dd-MM-YYYY\"}}
\n: {{ \"N/A\"}}
\n: {{surveyData?.endDate | date:\"dd-MM-YYYY\"}}
\n: {{\"N/A\"}}
\n: {{surveyDetail[0]?.teamName}}
\n: {{ \"N/A\" }}
\nActivity | \n{{element.activity}} | \nType | \n{{element.type}} | \nTime Category | \n{{element.timeCategory}} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Activity | \n{{element.activity}} | \nTime Spent | \n{{element.category}} | \nTime Spent % | \n{{element.spent}} | \nTime Spent | \n{{element.time}} | \nCapacity | \n{{element.capacity}} | \n$$ | \n{{element.$$}} | \n
Start Date
\nEnd Date
\n: {{startDate}}
\n: {{endDate}}
\n: {{organisationData?.teams[0].teamName}}
\nCategory | \n{{element.category}} | \nSub Category | \n{{element.subCategory}} | \nLens | \n{{element.lens}} | \nRole | \n{{'Manager'}} | \nSub-team | \n{{'Team 1'}} | \nID | \n{{element.questionId}} | \nMA Score | \n{{'4'}} | \nQuestion | \n{{ element.question }} | \nAction | \n\n | \n
Division | \n{{'Division 1'}} | \nFunction | \n{{'Function 1'}} | \nTeam | \n{{'Team 1'}} | \nRole | \n{{'Team Member'}} | \nResponses | \n{{'15'}} | \n
List & Chart
\nNo. | \n{{element.position}} | \nName | \n{{}} | \nWeight | \n{{element.weight}} | \nTime Spent % | \n{{element.time}} | \nTime Spent | \n{{element.timespent}} | \nCapacity | \n{{element.capacity}} | \n$$ | \n{{element.$$}} | \n
\n: {{clientData?.clientName}}
\n: {{totalFTE}}
\n: {{organisationData?.teams[0].teamName}}
\nModule | \n\n \n \n | \n Workflow Status | \n{{element.status}} | \nOwner | \n{{'Alex'}} | \nDeadline | \n{{'18/05/2023'}} | \n
\nFunction | \n{{element.clientFunction}} | \nTeam | \n{{element.teamName}} | \nRole | \n \n{{element.isManager ? \"Team Manager\" : \"Team Member\"}} | \nLink | \n\n \n | \nResponses | \n{{ element?.responseCount }} | \n
To understand how your work is balanced in a given day your organisation\n would like you to complete the following survey.
\n\n Your answers will be anonymous \n and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete\n and consists of three parts.\n
\n \nPlease estimate how much of your time is occupied by each activity.\n The total time must equal 100%\n
\nTime Allocated : {{avaSum}}%
\n \nEngagement surveys give you the opportunity to share your views and experiences of working in your team and organization.
\n{{i + 1}} . {{item?.question}}
\n \n \n \nYou have completed all of the questions in this questionnaire. You can now close the survey
\nsurvey works!
\n","import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\nimport { SurveyComponent } from '@app/survey/survey.component';\nimport { SurveyAddComponent } from '@app/survey/survey-add/survey-add.component';\nimport { SharedModule } from '@app/shared/shared.module';\n\n\n\n@NgModule({\n declarations: [\n SurveyComponent,\n SurveyAddComponent\n ],\n imports: [\n CommonModule,\n SharedModule\n ]\n})\nexport class SurveyModule { }\n","import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from \"@angular/common/http\";\nimport { Injectable } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { environment } from \"../../environments/environment\";\n\n@Injectable({\n providedIn: \"root\",\n})\nexport class SurveyService {\n constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) {}\n\n surveyUrl: string = environment.SURVEY_API_URL;\n clientUrl: string = environment.CLIENT_API_URL;\n staticUrl: string = environment.STATIC_API_URL;\n\n getSingleClient(id: any) {\n return this.httpClient.getAre you sure to remove the question?